So, it's been over two weeks since my last post. I'm really not very good at this blogging thing! I'd much rather be designing something than writing. Fact is, I haven't done much of either the past couple of weeks! It's been a bit busy around here running errands, cleaning house and, in addition, I've taken on a new project ... painting my kitchen cabinets. We moved into a townhome late last summer and I've been wanting to tackle those cabinets for a while now. I managed to paint the guest bathroom vanity not long after we moved in and it looked so much better, but tackling a kitchen (even a very small one, like mine) is a bit daunting. All that cleaning, sanding, priming and umpteen coats of paint ... good grief! And, I've only done one-half of it so far!
But I have managed to design a few things in between paint coats, like a graduation invitation (Joy, do you recognize the set up of the photos? I totally stole that layout from the Christmas card I designed for you) . . .
. . . several different designs for the dog lover, including this plaque with the quote, "Home is not Complete without Dog Hair" . . .
. . . and started a new (to me) product line ... Planners.
So, guess I have also been staying fairly busy with my little business these days after all, even if I'm not keeping up with the blog ;-)
If anyone is interested, I'll post a before and after of my newly painted kitchen cabinets; when and if I ever finish, that is!
As always, please feel free to share this post on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. And, thanks to those of you who have shared my blog posts in the past! That is so awesome of you!
Thanks for stopping by!